Foot Work and DSLR Camera Free

*Shoes as a source of first impressions.

Tue, May 27, 2014

Using only pictures of shoes as “static cues,” social psychologist, Angela Bahns from Wellesley College and colleagues from The University of Kansas, found that “surprisingly minimal appearance cues lead perceivers to accurately judge other’s personality, status, or politics.” Their study was solely a shoe issue. Judgments based on physical appearance would include “dynamic cues” such as posture and body language.  Foot Work and DSLR Camera Free is a series of iPhone captures of both shoes and the people wearing them. Most are taken with permission. Downloaded to my computer, the color images are processed in Photoshop and other plugin applications to create prints reminiscent of etchings.

Journal of Research in Personality

“Shoes as a source of first impressions”

Volume 46, Issue 4, August 2012, Pages 423-430

Check out the entire Foot Work series here: